The Tarot of Marseille
and the French Tradition
Letarot.com Editions

Boutique : This book has long been a staple for French readers interested in tarot history and the early decks.
Le Pèlerinage des Bateleurs is here masterfully translated into English by David Vine
Review by Bonnie Cehovet
See a review and clip of Tarology: the poetics of tarot a new film by Chris Deleo focusing on the work of EE.
Interview with Enrique Enriquez February 2010
The Tarot has always fascinated the casual inquirer and amateur
as much as the seasoned initiate.
Here we deal with both the history and legend of tarot cards, as well as the tarot as game, magic and “journey of the soul”.

These reflections are centered around the following traditional “Tarot
of Marseille” preserved in the French National Library :
Tarot of Jean Noblet and of Jacques Vieville c.1650,
Tarot of Jean Dodal c.1701, Tarot of Nicolas Conver 1760.
There are only three (plus another of a slightly different tradition) Tarots of Marseille which have come down to us complete and unaltered. It is these which are the foundation and source of all modern tarots. They were produced at a time when traditions were still alive, and it is to them that this site is dedicated.
Our principal activity consists in re-editing these few historic, popular Tarots preserved in the French National Library:
Tarot of Jean Noblet, Paris c.1650

Tarot of Jacques Viéville, Paris c.1650

Tarot of Jean Dodal, Lyon c.1701/1715

Tarot of Nicolas Conver, Marseille c.1760

This tradition, seven centuries old, originates in the knowledge, science and art of the men who built the cathedrals.
All tarots which are not rooted in this tradition (effectively dead by 1730) can be called “fantasy”, and just reflect their authors. Personal creations remain creations which are only personal, however erudite or beautiful.